
Deaf Parents Deaf Children launch event


On Saturday the 11th December 2010 15 Deaf families from all over England came to Deaf Parents Deaf Children’s inaugural event, funded by Remark! Community, at Crash, Bang, Wallop in Walsall – and what a fantastic day it was!

All 32 children dashed off to the soft play zones with our four fabulous volunteers Marcella Stratton, Sarah Ainsworth, Indie Johal and Hattie Bowden looking after them.


The parents then knuckled down to do some hard discussing – everyone had something to say on the various topics ranging from Deaf education to audiology and people’s attitudes. Towards the end we discussed our proposed visions and what we’d like to achieve with Deaf Parents Deaf Children’s group.


It was then time for the party games! Leah the Party Master led a game of ‘Musical’ Bumps, adapted with the use of a green froggy umbrella when we realised the lamp we brought wasn’t going to work in the brightly lit room! After the party games, the children sat down for some lunch and fun chatter, while the parents remained busy debating a number of different topics, and sharing with each other experiences of being a Deaf parent to a Deaf child/children.


Everyone was unanimous in agreement that that there was a need for a Deaf Parents Deaf Children group to be set up, so information can be shared, issues can be discussed and Deaf children can meet and make new friends from all over the country and play!

We all agreed that one day wasn’t enough. We are therefore planning Deaf Parents Deaf Children’s next event – a weekend in Yorkshire in April. Watch this space! Updates on future events will be posted on Deaf Parents Deaf Children’s Facebook group – join now – and on Remark!’s brand new website launching in the New Year!


Lastly many thanks to Remark! Community for sponsoring this event!

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