Your VOTE is needed! Support Signature who’ve developed a GCSE in ‎BSL‬ to be part of the national curriculum!

Tens of thousands of people in the UK can’t get access in their own language to things most of us take for granted. They are deaf people whose only or main language is British Sign Language (BSL). Signature want to ensure more people, deaf and hearing, learn BSL. Signature have developed a GCSE in BSL to be part of the national curriculum. Teaching BSL in schools is not only essential for a more inclusive environment for deaf learners, it has also shown to have a powerful impact on literacy. Signature know there are young people who want to study it and schools that want to offer it but need help to get the message out to more people. Winning Pitch to Rich will mean Signature can do that. That means more people taking qualifications, more interpreters and deaf awareness. And, ultimately more people fully taking part in everything the UK has to offer. The learners of today will take their BSL skills with them when they become nurses, entrepreneurs, athletes, civil servants, politicians, teachers, volunteers…

Deaf people tend to achieve less in education than their hearing peers. Their employment prospects are not as good and it is harder from them to enjoy sport, film and theatre, due to communication issues. GCSEs are well recognised; a GCSE in BSL will be transformative in terms of recognition and understanding of the language, as well as the ability to use it. Signature is the only business developing this product and with 30 years’ experience of developing qualifications, and are well prepared to produce a GCSE fit for purpose. Signature have done the ground work and will enter the secondary education market for the first time. Signature started campaigning and gathering intelligence five years ago and have started to gather funding but need more.


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